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办 公 室:ylzzcom永利总站线路检测海韵园数学科学学院B楼B310


1999 – 2002,吉林大学,应用数学硕士
2004 – 2007,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,计算数学博士


2002.08 – 至今,ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,助教、助理教授、副教授

2014.07 – 2014.10,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,访问学者

2018.02 – 2019.04,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,访问学者






1. 参与国家精品课程《数学建模》(2008年)

2. 参与ylzzcom永利总站线路检测精品课程《数值分析》(2008年)

3. 获得ylzzcom永利总站线路检测第三届青年教工教学技能比赛一等奖(2007年)


1.主持中央高校基本科研业务费《反常动力学中高维分数阶模型的数值计算》(20720150010), 2015.1-2017.12

2.主持福建省自然科学基金《高维反常扩散模型的高精度算法研究》(2013J01021), 2013.1-2015.12

3.主持国家自然科学(青年)基金《高维分数阶动力系统的数值算法研究》(11101344), 2012.1-2014.12

4.参与国家自然科学基金《非结构网格谱元法及其应用》(11071203), 2011.1-2013.12

5.参与福建省自然科学基金《复杂系统中反常扩散问题的数值模拟和理论分析》(2010J01011), 2010.6-2013.3


Qingxia Liu, Pinghui Zhuang, Fawang Liu, Minling Zheng, Shanzhen Chen, Radial point interpolation collocation method based approximation for 2D fractional equation models, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 97(2021), 153-161.

Junjiang Lai, Fawang Liu, Vo V.Anh,  Qingxia Liu, A space-time finite element method for solving linear Riesz space fractional partial differential equations, Numerical Algorithms, 88(2020),499-520.

Qingxia Liu, Pinghui Zhuang, Fawang Liu, Junjiang Lai, Vo Anh, Shanzhen Chen, An investigationof radial basis functions for fractional derivatives and their applications, Computational Mechanics,65(2020), 475-486.

Q.Z. Liu, S.J. Mu, Q.X. Liu, B.Q. Liu, X.L. Bi, P.H. Zhuang, etc, An RBF based meshless method for the distributed order time fractional advection-diffusion equation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 96(2018), 55-63.

X.L. Bi, S.J. Mu, Q.X. Liu, Q.Z. Liu, B.Q. Liu, P.H. Zhuang, etc, Advanced implicit meshless approahes for the Rayleigh-Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative, International Journal of Computational Methods, 15(5) (2018), 1850032.

M.L. Zheng, F.W. Liu, Q.X. Liu, K. Burrage, M. J. Simpson, Numerical solution of the time fractional reaction-diffusion equation with a moving boundary, Journal of Computational Physics, 338(2017), 493-510.

S. Shen, F. Liu, Q. Liu and V. Anh, Numerical simulation of anomalous infiltration in porous media,  Numerical Algorithm, 68(8)(2015), 443–454.

Q. Liu, F. Liu, Y.T. Gu, P. Zhuang, J. Chen, I. Turner, A meshless method based on Point Interpolation Method (PIM) for the space fractional diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation,  256(2015), 930-938.

J. Chen, F. Liu, Q. Liu, X. Chen, Vo Anh, I. Turner, K, Burrage, Numerical simulation for the three-dimension fractional sub-diffusion equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(2014), 3695-3705.

Q. Liu, F. Liu, I. Turner, V. Anh, Y.T. Gu, A RBF meshless approach for modeling a fractal mobile/immobile transport model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 226(2014), 336-347.

Fawang Liu, Mark M.Meerschaert, Robert J. McGough, Pinghui Zhuang, Qingxia Liu, Numerical methods for solving the multi-term time-fractional wave-diffusion equation, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 16(1)(2013), 9-25.

J Chen, F. Liu, V. Ahn, S. Shen, Q. Liu, C. Liao, The analytical solution and numerical solution of the fractional diffusion-wave equation with damping, Appliend Mathematics and Computation, 219(2012), 1737-1748.

Y.T. Gu, P. Zhuang and Q. Liu, An advanced meshless method for time fractional diffusion equation, International Journal of Computational Methods, 8(4)(2011), 653-665.

Liu Q., Gu Y.T., Zhuang P., Liu F. and Nie Y.F., An implicit RBF meshless approach for time fractional diffusion equations, Computational Mechanics, 48(2011), 1-12.

Q. Liu, F. Liu, I. Turner and V. Anh, Finite element approximation for the modified anomalous subdiffusion process, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(2011), 4103-4116.

刘青霞, 刘发旺, 二维分数阶变系数对流-扩散方程的数值解, 高等学校计算数学学报, 33(1)(2011), 81-89.

Q. Liu, F. Liu, I. Turner and V. Anh, Numerical simulation for the three- dimensional seepage flow with fractional derivatives in porous media, IMA J. Appl. Math., 74(2) (2009), 201-229.

Zhuang Ping-hui, Liu Qing-xia, An effective numerical method of the Rayleigh- Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative, Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed., 30(12) (2009), 1533-1546.

刘青霞, 刘发旺, 修正交替方向法求解具有分数阶导数的二维非连续渗流问题, 计算数学, 31(2) (2009), 179-194.

Q. Liu, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, Approximation of the Lévy-Feller advection- dispersion process by random walk and finite difference method, J. Comp. Phys., 222 (2007), 57-70.

刘青霞, 刘发旺, Lévy-Feller对流-扩散方程, ylzzcom永利总站线路检测学报(自然科学版), 45(2) (2006), 29-32.



Fawang Liu, Pinghui Zhuang, Qingxia Liu, Minling Zheng, and Vo V. Anh,《Fractional order systems: an overview of mathematics, design, and applications for engineers》, Chapter 4 – Chapter 5, pp. 107-256, 2021, Elsevier.