2003.09-2007.07 苏州大学 数学科学学院, 理学学士
2008.01-2013.2 新加坡国立大学,理学博士
2021.07-至今 ylzzcom永利总站线路检测, 副教授
2017.01-2021.6 上海交通大学 特别研究员(副教授)
2016.03-2017.01新加坡国立大学 数学系 研究员(博士后)
2014.09-2016.02香港中文大学数学科学研究所 博士后
2013.10-2014.08本古里安大学(Ben-Gurion University of Negav)博士后
2013.04-2013.08 新加坡国立大学数学系 研究员(博士后)
1. Transfers of K-types on local theta lifts of characters and unitary lowest weight modules,
(with Hung Yean Loke and U-Liang Tang), ArXiv e-prints:1207.6454,Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol 201, Issue 1, pp 1-24, 20 June 2014
2. Derived functor modules, dual pairs and U(𝔤)K-actions, ArXiv e-prints:1310.6378, Journal of Algebra, Volume 450, pp 629–645, Mar 2016
3. Invariants and K-spectrums of local theta lifts,
(with Hung Yean Loke), ArXiv e-prints:1302.1031, Compositio Mathematica, Jan 2015
4. Local theta correspondences between epipelagic supercuspidal representations,
(with Hung Yean Loke and Gordan Savin), ArXiv e-prints:1501.07069, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Jun 2016
5. Local theta correspondence between supercuspidal representations,
(with Hung Yean Loke), ArXiv e-prints: 1512.01797, 2017, accepted by Annales Scientifiques de l’ENS
6. On two questions concerning representations distinguished by the Galois involution,
(with Maxim Gurevich and Arnab Mitra), ArXiv e-prints: 1609.03155, 2017, Forum Mathematicum
7. Special unipotent representations : orthogonal and symplectic groups (with Dan Barabasch, Binyong Sun and Chen-Bo Zhu) ArXiv e-prints: 1712.05552
(new version). The python code of the algorithm in the paper can be found at
8. Nilpotent orbits of orthogonal groups over p-adic fields, and the DeBacker parametrization (with Tobias Bernstein, Monica Nevins, Jit Wu Yap) ArXiv e-prints:1808.03593