日期 | 时间 | 学术活动内容 | 地点 |
11月18日 | 16:30-18:00 | 胡先鹏 (香港城市大学)Concentration phenomenon for compressible Naiver-Stokes equations | 海韵园TMSE会议室 |
11月19日上午 | 9:30-11:30 | 胡先鹏 (香港城市大学)On compressible viscoelasticity with zero shear viscosity | 海韵园TMSE会议室 |
11月19日下午 | 15:30-16:00 | 戴祎琛 (ylzzcom永利总站线路检测)A class of global large solutions to the magnetohydrodynamic equations with fractional dissipation | 海韵园TMSE会议室 |
16:00-16:30 | 贾翠满 (ylzzcom永利总站线路检测)Well-posedness of compressible magneto-micropolar fluid equations | 海韵园TMSE会议室 |
16:30-17:00 | 吴文佩 (ylzzcom永利总站线路检测)Decay of the viscoelastic Navier-Stokes-Poisson | 海韵园TMSE会议室 |
17:00-17:30 | 吴忠二 (ylzzcom永利总站线路检测)Regularity and Local Energy Equation of Euler-korteweg Equation |
17:30-18:00 | 谢明洪 (ylzzcom永利总站线路检测)具有临界Sobolev迹嵌入指数的非线性分数阶反应扩散方程解的性质 |
(1)Speaker: Prof. Xianpeng Hu
Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong,
Title: Concentration phenomenon for compressible Naiver-Stokes equations
Location: 661
Abstract: We will discuss the concentration phenomenon of the kinetic energy ρ|u|2, associated to isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations, in Rn with n = 2,3 and the adiabatic constant γ ∈ [1, n/2]. Except a space-time set with Hausdorff dimension less than or equal to Γ(n)+1, no concentration phenomenon occurs. Some recent development will be also discussed.
Speaker Introduction: 胡先鹏教授已经在可压的 Navier-Stokes 方程、粘弹性流体力学方程和 MHD 方程的数学理论上取得了相当不错的结果和进展,已在Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Communications on Mathematical Physics 等国际知名数学杂志上发表多篇论文。
(2)Speaker: Prof. Xianpeng Hu
Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong,
Title: On compressible viscoelasticity with zero shear viscosity.
Time: NOV.19,09:30-11:30
Location: 661
Abstract: In this talk, the multi-dimensional compressible viscoelastic system with zero shear viscosity is discussed. With the help of potentials of solutions and the Green's function, we construct the global existence of solutions for small perturbations around the equilibrium by combining the energy and decay estimates based on the vector fields.
Speaker Introduction: 胡先鹏教授已经在可压的 Navier-Stokes 方程、粘弹性流体力学方程和 MHD 方程的数学理论上取得了相当不错的结果和进展,已在Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Communications on Mathematical Physics 等国际知名数学杂志上发表多篇论文。
Time: NOV.19,15:30-18:00
Location: 661
题目:A class of global large solutions to the magnetohydrodynamic equations with fractional dissipation
摘要:The global existence and regularity problem on the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations with fractional dissipation is not well understood for many ranges of fractional powers. We examines this open problem from a different perspective. We construct a class of large solutions to the d-dimensional (d=2,3) MHD equations with any fractional power. The process presented here actually assesses that an initial data near any function whose Fourier transform lives in a compact set away from the origin always leads to a unique and global solution.
题目:Well-posedness of compressible magneto-micropolar fluid equations
摘要:We are concerned with compressible magneto-micropolar fluid equations (\ref{1.1})-(\ref{1.2}). The global existence and large time behaviour of
solutions near a constant state to the magneto-micropolar-Navier-Stokes-Poisson (MMNSP) system is investigated in $\mathbb{R}^3$. By a refined energy
method, the global existence is established under the assumption that the $H^3$ norm of the initial data is small, but the higher order derivatives can
be large. If the initial data belongs to homogeneous Sobolev spaces or homogeneous Besov spaces, we prove the optimal time decay rates of the solution
and its higher order spatial derivatives. Meanwhile, we also obtain the usual $L^p-L^2$ $(1\leq p\leq2)$ type of the decay rates without requiring that
the $L^p$ norm of initial data is small.
题目:Decay of the viscoelastic Navier-Stokes-Poisson
摘要:We use an energetic variational approach to model the transport of compressible viscoelastic conductive fluids. Such a model can be called the three-dimensional compressible viscoelastic Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations. The global unique smooth solution to the Cauchy problem is obtained. In particular, we obtain the optimal time-decay rates of the solution and its higher-order spatial derivatives by using a pure energy method.
题目:Regularity and Local Energy Equation of Euler-korteweg Equation
摘要:In this paper, we mainly study the local energy equation of the weak solutions of the compressible isentropic and nonhomogeneous incompressible Euler-korteweg equation defined on $\mathbb{T}^{3}$. We prove that the regularity of the solution is sufficient to guarantee the balance of the total energy in the $B^{\alpha,\infty}_{3}((0,T)\times \mathbb{T}^d)$ space. We adopt a variant of Feireisl's method in \cite{Fei}.
我们运用Caffarelli-Silvestre延拓把非局部问题转化为可变分的局部问题,首先研究了低能量初值下方程的有限时间爆破行为以及全局解的衰减估计,其次运用Moser迭代得到了全局解的L^q(1≤q< ∞)估计,最后借助集中紧定理得到了在某时间序列t_n趋于无穷时解的渐近行为.