本次会议围绕最优投资组合、最优再保险、金融统计、风险度量、期权定价等金融与保险数学领域的前沿科学问题展开研讨,共安排10场学术报告,分别是:武汉大学刘艳的《Uniform Estimate for Randomly Weighted Sums of Dependent Sub-exponential Random Variables》、浙江工商大学明瑞星的《Geometric shrinkage estimate for covariance matrix》、江西农业大学刘章的《Distribution of the Present Value of Dividend Payments with Draw-down Times for Spectrally Negative Levy Processes》、广州大学肖立群的《Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data with a cure faction based on generalized hyperbolic distribution》、武汉大学孙飞的《Set-valued cash sub-additive risk measures》、武汉大学郭盛亮的《Modelling and analysis of a Lotka-Volterra competition system perturbed by white noises》、中南民族大学曹静的《Optimal time-consistent investment and reinsurance strategy for mean-variance insurers under the inside information》、武汉大学丰羽的《Set-valued weighted value at risk and its computation》、武汉大学陈燕红的《Coherent and convex loss-based risk measures for portfolio vectors》、ylzzcom永利总站线路检测王文元的《Optimal investment and risk control for an insurer under inside information》。